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Hi, I am sorry i write in english but i just got to France. i ordered a SIM card online and got it today. my phone recognised the internet settings, but i cant connect to the network itself (which also means I didnt recieve a SMS yet).
Can anyone please give me some advice what to do?
Thank you!
At first, I invite you to check the "message center" which should be: +336 09 00 13 90.
Can you also turn off and on your mobile phone by entering your PIN code which is 0000.
About the internet connection, please follow these indications :
In "noms des points d'accès", delete all the APN present (in order to create two).
Créer un APN (en sélectionnant "+" ou "nouveau") :
First APN (internet) :
Nom : WEB La Poste Mobile
APN : sl2sfr
Proxy/port : non défini
Don't touch to the other sections and then, save.
Create a second APN (MMS) :
Nom : MMS La Poste Mobile
APN : sl2sfr
MMSC : http://mmmsdebitel
Proxy MMS :
Port MMS : 8080
MCC : 208
MNC : 10
Don't touch to the other sections and then, save.
Turn off and on the mobile.
I would like to check too your line, can you, please, give me the telephone number ?
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