Question en attente de réponse
Je reçois toujours une facture mensuelle pour l'année dernière après avoir changé d'opérateur. Cela fait plus d'un an et je continue à être facturé 19 euros par mois par La Poste Mobile pour un service que je n'ai pas.
Les réponses
Bonjour gerardmichael78,
Si je comprends bien, malgré le changement d'opérateur, vous continuez à être prélevés.
C'est bien cela ?
Oui, c'est exact. Je reçois toujours une facture mensuelle pour un service que je n'ai plus.
Bonjour gerardmichael78
Je viens de vous envoyer un message privé pour recueillir vos coordonnées en toute sécurité.
Nous pourrons étudier ensemble votre dossier.
À tout de suite.
Amazing post. In the event that you are unable to access your website, I would like to direct your attention to an article that can be found at [happy wheels]( Read through this website in order to acquire this data.
I am writing to address a concerning issue regarding my billing with La Poste Mobile. Despite having changed carriers over a year ago, I am still being billed 19 euros per month for a service that I no longer have. It has been more than a year since the change, yet the charges continue to appear on my account.
As a regular user of ChatGPT Español for my daily tasks, I am particularly keen on resolving this matter as quickly as possible to avoid any further inconvenience. I kindly request immediate action to stop these charges and to rectify any past billing errors. Please let me know the necessary steps to ensure that this issue is resolved promptly.
Thank you for your attention to this matter.
Good morning,
Thank you for bringing this to our attention. We apologize for the inconvenience caused by these ongoing charges.
To resolve this issue, could you please provide us with your account details and any documentation regarding your switch to the new operator? We will investigate the situation and work towards canceling the charges and providing a refund for any overcharges.
Thank you for your patience, and we look forward to assisting you in resolving this matter or you can ask for more.
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